2012 Sermons 讲道
2012-06-17 English Who Is The Holy Spirit.mp3.mp3
2012-01-01 Chinese Courage for Tomorrow.mp3
2012-07-01 Combine Turn Fears Into Praises.mp3.mp3
2012-01-01 English Courage for Tomorrow.mp3
2012-05-06 Chinese What side will you choose.mp3.mp3
2012-01-08 Chinese Salvation by Scarlet Cord.mp3
2012-05-06 English What side will you choose.mp3.mp3
2012-01-08 English Salvation by Scarlet Cord.mp3
2012-07-29 YSMP Testimony Zach.mp3
2012-01-15 Chinese The Great Obstacle.mp3
2012-07-08 Response Hymn.mp3.mp3
2012-01-15 English The Great Obstacle.mp3
2012-05-13 Chinese Blessed Trinity.mp3
2012-01-22 Chinese What do these stones mean.mp3
2012-06-10 Chinese Glory of the Cross.mp3.mp3
2012-01-22 English What do these stones mean.mp3
2012-06-03 English What do you say that I am.mp3.mp3
2012-01-29 Combined Who is on the Lord's side.mp3
2012-08-05 YSMP Testimony Anna and Laura.mp3
2012-02-05 Chinese Faith is the Victory.mp3
2012-08-19 YSMP Testimony Anthony and Nick.mp3
2012-02-05 English Faith is the Victory.mp3
2012-08-12 YSMP Testimony Debbie and Rebecca.mp3
2012-02-12 Chinese The Root of Defeat.mp3
2012-09-23 English One Lord, One Body.mp3
2012-02-12 English The Root of Defeat.mp3
2012-08-26 YSMP Testimony Joe and Luke.mp3
2012-02-19 Chinese We need a revival.mp3
2012-09-09_YSMP Testimony_Joshua and Casey.mp3.mp3
2012-02-19 English We need a revival.mp3
2012-04-22 Chinese You are never too old.mp3
2012-02-26 Combined Apartment Entrance (Pastor Lau).mp3
2012-11-04 Chinese Walking_The_Talk.mp3.mp3
2012-03-04 ChineseThe Sting.mp3
2012-11-04 English Walking_The_Talk.mp3.mp3
2012-03-04 English The Sting.mp3
2012-09-23 Chinese One Lord, One Body.mp3
2012-03-11 Chinese The sun stood still.mp3
2012-10-07 English Values Precious to Us.mp3.mp3
2012-03-11 English The sun stood still.mp3
2012-10-07 Chinese Values Precious To Us.mp3.mp3
2012-03-18 Chinese The winning Streak.mp3
2012-10-14 English True Fellowship.mp3
2012-03-18 English The winning Streak.mp3
2012-04-22 English You are never too old.mp3
2012-03-25 Combined Lessons from the Tree and the Man.mp3
2012-10-14 Chinese True Fellowship.mp3
2012-04-01 ChineseThe Glory of the Cross.mp3
2012-10-21 Chinese Sins Reality and Solution.mp3
2012-04-01 English The Glory of the Cross.mp3
2012-05-27 Combined How far are you from the kingdom of God Pastor Lau.mp3
2012-04-06 Combined Good Friday My God why have You Forsaken Me.mp3
2012-04-29 Combined Spiritual Investment Rev Lee.mp3
2012-04-08 Combined Easter The Glory of the Empty Tomb.mp3
2012-06-24 Combined My Will or Your Will Pastor Lau.mp3
2012-04-15 Chinese Miles to go before we sleep.mp3
2012-06-10 English Glory of the Cross.mp3.mp3
2012-04-15 English Miles to go before we sleep.mp3
2012-05-20 Chinese What is Man.mp3
2012-11-18 Chinese Loving the wrong thing.mp3
2012-05-20 English What is Man.mp3
2012-06-17 Chinese Who Is The Holy Spirit.mp3.mp3
2012-06-03 Chinese What do you say that I am.mp3.mp3
2012-07-08 Combined The Power Of The Holy Spirit.mp3.mp3
2012-07-15 Combined In the Lord we trust - Pastor Lau.mp3
2012-07-22 Combined Church's Total Mobilization for Mission - Dr Chang.mp3
2012-07-29 Combined When Worship goes overboard - Igor Swiderski.mp3
2012-08-05 Combined Master The Beast Crouching At The Door - Pastor Lau.mp3
2012-08-12 Combined Simply Life Style - Pastor Fung.mp3
2012-08-19 Combined Why do we believe what we believe.mp3
2012-08-26 Combined Blessed by Mentors - Pastor Lau.mp3
2012-09-16 Chinese The Christian Life Is Not An Option III.mp3
2012-09-16 English The Christian Life Is Not An Option III.mp3
2012-09-30 Combined Being a True Worshiper Pastor Tsoi.mp3
2012-10-21 English Sins Reality and Solution.mp3
2012-10-28 Combined From Bitter to Sweet Pastor Lau.mp3
2012-11-11 Chinese Hating the wrong target.mp3
2012-11-11 English Hating the wrong target.mp3
2012-11-18 English Loving the wrong thing.mp3
2012-11-25 Combined God is a missionary God Pastor Brown.mp3
2012-12-02 Chinese Testing_Your_End_Time_IQ.mp3.mp3
2012-12-02 English Testing_Your_End_Time_IQ.mp3.mp3
2012-12-09 Chinese_Building_on_the_solid_rock.mp3
2012-12-09 English_Building_on_the_solid_rock.mp3
2012-12-16 Chinese The Greatness of God's love.mp3
2012-12-16 English The Greatness of God's love.mp3
2012-12-23 Combined Fear not and why not.mp3
2012-12-30 Combined Grow in favor with God.mp3
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