English Hymn 英文赞美诗歌

Blessed be the Lord God Almighty.ppt
A Mighty Fortress is Our God.ppt
Blessed be Your Name.ppt
Abba Father we approach you.ppt
Give It All Away.ppt
Above All.ppt
Constantly Abiding.ppt
Above all else.ppt
Count your blessings.ppt
Advice English.ppt
Give Me Jesus.ppt
Cry of My Heart.ppt
Ah, Lord God.ppt
Blessed be the Name.ppt
Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed.ppt
Come Thou Almighty King.ppt
All Hail King Jesus.ppt
Day by Day.ppt
All on the Altar.ppt
Blest Be the Tie.ppt
God's Way.ppt
All the Way My Savior Leads Me.ppt
Give Thanks.ppt
Cares Chorus 2.ppt
Am I a Soldier of the Cross.ppt
Does Jesus Care.ppt
Amazing Grace.ppt
Come Thou Long-expected Jesus.ppt
America, the beautiful.ppt
Doxology English.ppt
And Can It Be.ppt
Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord.ppt
Angels We Have Heard on High.ppt
Come Christians Join to Sing.ppt
Angels from the realms of glory.ppt
As We Worship You.ppt
Draw Me Close.ppt
As the Deer - 3.ppt
Come and Fill Me Up.ppt
As the Deer - English.ppt
El Shaddai.ppt
Ascribe Greatness.ppt
At the Cross.ppt
Ave Verum Corpus.ppt
Everlasting God.ppt
Away in a Manger.ppt
Fairest Lord Jesus.ppt
Awesome God.ppt
Faith is the Victory.ppt
Be Exalted O God.ppt
Glorify Thy Name.ppt
Be Joyful.ppt
Faith of Our Fathers.ppt
Be Lifted High.ppt
Father, I Adore You.ppt
Be Still My Soul.ppt
Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove.ppt
Be Still and know that I Am God.ppt
Fill Me Now.ppt
Be Thou My Vision.ppt
Fill My Cup Lord.ppt
Be Unto Your Name.ppt
Fill My cup, Lord.ppt
Be Ye Holy.ppt
Find Us Faithful.ppt
Beautiful One.ppt
Beauty for Ashes.ppt
Firm Foundation.ppt
Because He Lives.ppt
Come Holy Spirit.ppt
Before the Throne of God Above.ppt
Come Let Us Worship and Bow Down.ppt
Behold What Manner of Love.ppt
Come Now Is the time for worship.ppt
Beneath the cross of Jesus.ppt
For Those Tears I Died.ppt
Better Is One Day.ppt
Forever grateful.ppt
Bind Us Together.ppt
Come and sing praises.ppt
Bless His Holy Name.ppt
Blessed Assurance.ppt
Come into His presence.ppt
Blessed Is the Man.ppt
Celebrate Jesus 2.ppt
Come into the Holy of Holies.ppt
Change My Heart O God.ppt
Come People of the Risen King.ppt
Change my heart O God - 2.ppt
Freely, Freely.ppt
Cleanse Me.ppt
Gentle Shepherd.ppt
Closer to Thee.ppt
Go Light Your World.ppt
Glory to You.ppt
Come to the Savior Now #256 HLC.ppt
Come, People of the Risen King.ppt
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing.ppt
Come, We that Love the Lord.ppt
Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy.ppt
Create in Me a Clean Heart.ppt
Crown Him With Many Crowns.ppt
Follow, I will follow Theee.ppt
For God So Loved the World.ppt
For the Beauty of the Earth.ppt
For the Glory of Your Name.ppt
Give Us clean hands.pptx
Glory to the Lamb.ppt
Here I Am to Worship.ppt
Go Tell It to the Mountain.ppt
I Believe in Jesus 2.ppt
God And God Alone.ppt
Higher Ground.ppt
God Blessing like Spring Shower.ppt
Holy, Holy.ppt
God Will Make a Way - 2.ppt
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna.ppt
God is at work within you.ppt
I Believe in Jesus.ppt
God is in control.ppt
I Cannot Tell.ppt
God of Wonders.ppt
Micah 6 8.ppt
God will make a way.ppt
His Grace Aboundeth More.ppt
Good Christian Men Rejoice.ppt
His Name is Wonderful.ppt
Grace Greater Than Our Sin.ppt
How Deep the Father's Love For Us.ppt
Great Are You, Lord - 2.ppt
How Firm a Foundation.ppt
Great Are You, Lord.ppt
Heavenly Father I Appreciate You.ppt
Great God, We Sing Your Mighty Hand.ppt
How Great Thou Art.ppt
Great Is the Lord - 2.ppt
I Do.ppt
Great Is the Lord.ppt
I Exalt Thee.ppt
Great Thanks.ppt
How Great is Our God.ppt
Great and Mighty Is He 2.ppt
How He Loves.ppt
Great and Mighty Is He.ppt
How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place.ppt
Great is Thy Faithfulness.ppt
How Majestic Is Your Name.ppt
Hallelujah Our God Reigns.ppt
His Sheep Am I.ppt
My Peace.ppt
Hark the Herald Angels Sing.ppt
Have Thine Own Way Lord.ppt
I Gave My Life.ppt
He - English.ppt
I Know Who Hold Tomorrow.ppt
He - english 2.ppt
Hymn Listing 2004-12-16.xls
He Answers Every Prayer.ppt
Hymn Template copy 2.ppt
He Anwers Every Prayer.ppt
Hymn Template.ppt
He Has Made Me Glad.ppt
I Lay my sins on Jesus.ppt
He Hideth My Soul.ppt
I Love You Lord - 2.ppt
He Is Lord.ppt
I Must Tell Jesus.ppt
He Knows My Name.ppt
I Need Thee Every Hour.ppt
He Lifted Me.ppt
Holy ground.ppt
One Day.ppt
He Who Began a Good Work in You.ppt
I Offer My Life.ppt
He is Exalted.ppt
I See the Lord.ppt
He is able.ppt
I Sing of Thee.ppt
Hear My Prayer.ppt
I Stand in Awe.ppt
Hear My Worship.ppt
Holy, Holy, Holy.ppt
Our God.ppt
Hear the Voice of Jesus Calling.ppt
I Surrender All.ppt
Heaven Came Down.ppt
It's Your Blood.ppt
Isnt He.ppt
Heavenly Father I Appreciate You v.2.ppt
I Am Thine O Lord.ppt
Here I Am To Worship 2.ppt
I Will Celebrate.ppt
I Come Before You With Prayer.ppt
I Know Whom I Have Believed.ppt
I Love You with the Love of the Lord.ppt
I Sing the Mighty Power of God.ppt
I Stand Amazed in the Presence.ppt
I Will Bless Thee as Long as I Live.ppt
I Will Bless Thee, O Lord.ppt
I Will Bless the Lord.ppt
I Will Call Upon the Lord.ppt
I Will Offer Up My Life.ppt
I Will Praise Him, Still.ppt
I Will Serve Thee.ppt
I Will Sing of my Redeemer.ppt
I Will Sing of the Mercies.ppt
I Wonder As I Wander.ppt
I Worship You, Almighty God.ppt
I am His and He is mine.ppt
I am Trusting Thee Lord Jesus.ppt
I have Decided to Follow Jesus.ppt
I know who holds tomorrow - 2.ppt
I want to know You.ppt
I will enter His gates.ppt
I'd Rather Have Jesus.ppt
I'm Forever Grateful.ppt
If I Gained the World.ppt
If My People Will Pray.ppt
If My People.ppt
If That Isnt Love.ppt
Immortal invisible God only wise.ppt
In Christ Alone.ppt
In His Time.ppt
In moments like these.ppt
Infant Holy Infant Lowly.ppt
Let It Be Said of Us.ppt
It Came upon a Midnight Clear.ppt
Let There Be Glory and Honor and Praises.ppt
It Is Good to Praise the Lord.ppt
Lord I Life Your Name On High.ppt
It is Well with My Soul.ppt
Lord I am Coming Home.ppt
Jehovah Rapha.PPT
Live for You.ppt
Jesus Draw Me Close.ppt
Lord Most High.ppt
Jesus I Come.ppt
Lord, Be Glorified.ppt
Jesus Is Lord.ppt
Let There be Glory, Honor and Praise.ppt
Jesus Name Above All Names.ppt
Love Was When.ppt
Jesus Paid It All.ppt
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.ppt
Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun.ppt
Lord, Reign in Me.ppt
Jesus Shall Reign.ppt
Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen in Me.ppt
Jesus What a Wonder You Are.ppt
Let the Words of My Mouth.ppt
Jesus is All the World to Me.ppt
Make Me a Blessing.ppt
Jesus is King.ppt
Living for Jesus Oh What Peace.ppt
Jesus is coming again.ppt
Let's Just Praise the Lord.ppt
Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer.ppt
Make Us One.ppt
Jesus, Lord to Me.ppt
Lead on , King Eternal.ppt
Mighty to Save.ppt
Jesus, Lover of My Soul (Its's All about You).ppt
Life Up Your Heads Ye Mighty Gates.ppt
Jesus, Name Above All Names.ppt
Lift High the Cross.ppt
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee.ppt
Living for Jesus.ppt
Joy in Serving Jesus.ppt
Make Me a Servant.ppt
Joy to the World.ppt
Like a Melody English.ppt
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee.ppt
Matthew 11.ppt
Just As I Am.ppt
Let Everything That Has Breath.ppt
Just a Closer Walk With Thee - English.ppt
Moment by Moment 2.ppt
Knowing You.ppt
Meekness and Majesty.ppt
Lamb of God.ppt
Lord, I Want to Be a Christian.ppt
Lead Me to Calvary.ppt
Mighty is our God.ppt
Little by little.ppt
My Father's Heart.ppt
Like a lamb who needs the Shepherd.ppt
O Worship the King.ppt
The Stand.ppt
Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending.ppt
Our God Reigns.ppt
May the Fragrance of Jesus.ppt
Pass me not O gentile Savior.ppt
May the Mind of Christ, My Savior.ppt
Praise Him! Praise Him!.ppt
More Love to Thee, O Christ.ppt
Praise the Lord.ppt
Thy Word.ppt
More Precious than silver - 2.ppt
Morning Has Broken.ppt
Redeeming Love.ppt
Must I Go Empty Handed.ppt
Refiner's Fire.ppt
My Hope Is In the Lord 2.ppt
Praise the Name of Jesus.ppt
My Hope is Built on Nothing Less.ppt
Rejoice the Lord is King.ppt
My Hope is in the Lord.ppt
Revive Us Again.ppt
My Life is in You 2.ppt
Ring the Bells.ppt
My Life is in You Lord.ppt
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us.ppt
My Lord, I Worship You.ppt
Sing Hallelujah.ppt
My Redeemer Lives.ppt
Sometimes by Step.ppt
My Savior, My God.ppt
O that will be glory for me.ppt
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need #325 HLC.ppt
Praise the Savior, Ye Who Know Him.ppt
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need 2.ppt
O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 1.ppt
My Song Shall Be of Jesus #251 HLC.ppt
Speak, O Lord.ppt
My Tribute.ppt
Spirit Song.ppt
My Wonderful Lord.ppt
O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus.ppt
My faith has found a resting place.ppt
Only By Grace.ppt
The Bond of Love.ppt
My shepherd will supply all my need.ppt
Spirit Song.pptx
Near the Cross.ppt
Only believe.ppt
The Family of God.ppt
New Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (2).ppt
Open My Eyes That I May See.ppt
New Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (3).ppt
Open Our Eyes.ppt
The Holy Heart.ppt
New Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation.ppt
Open the Eyes of my Heart.ppt
No Higher Calling - simpler version.ppt
Spirit of the Living God.ppt
No Higher calling.ppt
Step by Step.ppt
No Other Love.ppt
Seek Ye First.ppt
Nothing but the Blood.ppt
Set my spirit free.ppt
Now Thank We All Our God.ppt
Shepherd of Love.ppt
O Come All Ye Faithful.ppt
Shine Jesus Shine 2.ppt
O Come O Come Emmanuel.ppt
Stir in me.ppt
O Come and Mourn.ppt
Psalm 5.ppt
The Lord is Good.ppt
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing.ppt
Purify My Heart 2.ppt
O God Our Help In Ages Past.ppt
Sweet, Sweet Spirit.ppt
O Holy Night.ppt
Shout to the LORD.ppt
O How He Loves You and Me.ppt
Shout to the Lord 2.ppt
O Jesus I Have Promised.ppt
Shout to the North.ppt
O Lord You're Beautiful.ppt
Silent Night Holy Night.ppt
O Lord, You Are Beautiful.ppt
Take time to be Holy.ppt
O To Be Like Thee.ppt
The Merciful Creator.PPT
The Lord's Prayer.ppt
Since Jesus Came Into My Heart.ppt
Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling.ppt
Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus.ppt
Take Me Life and Let It Be.ppt
Take Thou Our Minds Dear Lord.ppt
Thanks to God My Redeemer.ppt
The Battle Belongs to the Lord.ppt
The Beautiful Name.ppt
The Church's One Foundation.ppt
The Family Prayer Song.ppt
The Gift of Knowing You.rtf
The Greatest Thing.ppt
The Heart of Worship.ppt
The Light of the World is Jesus.ppt
The Lily of the Valley.ppt
The Lord Is In His Holy Temple.ppt
The Lord is My Light.ppt
We Bow Down.ppt
give thanks - 2.ppt
The Moon and Stars on Christmas Eve.ppt
What Does Man Worth.ppt
The Old Rugged Cross.ppt
Wonderful Merciful Savior.ppt
The Potter's Hand.ppt
We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise.ppt
The Power of Your Love - 2.ppt
Were you there.ppt
The Power of the Cross.ppt
Wonderful Words of Life.ppt
The Servant King.ppt
Word of God Speak.ppt
The Solid Rock.ppt
What Grace Is Mine.ppt
The Sweetest Name of All.ppt
What a Mighty God We Serve.ppt
The Wonder Of It All.ppt
We Declare Your Majesty.ppt
The Wonderful Cross English.ppt
What a Friend We Have in Jesus.ppt
The Wonderful Cross.ppt
Worthy is the Lamb.ppt
The Worship Song.ppt
What child is this.ppt
The joy of the Lord.ppt
We Fall Down.ppt
The steadfast love of the Lord.ppt
What a wonderful savior.ppt
There is Joy in the Lord.ppt
You Alone Are Holy.ppt
There is a God.ppt
When I Get to Heaven.ppt
There is a redeemer.ppt
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.ppt
There is none like you.ppt
We Have Come Into His House.ppt
There's a Quiet Understanding.ppt
We Sing the Greatness of Our God.ppt
These things are true of You.ppt
We Will Glorify.ppt
They will know we are Christians.ppt
We are standing on holy ground.ppt
They'll Know We Are Christians.ppt
When I Look into Your Holiness.ppt
Thine Is the Glory.ppt
Why so downcast.ppt
This is My Father's World.ppt
You Are My All in All.ppt
Thou Art Worthy.ppt
We dedicate this temple.ppt
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne.ppt
You Are My Hiding Place.ppt
Thy Word 2.ppt
We want to see Jesus Lifted High.ppt
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus.ppt
Whiter Than Snow.ppt
To God Be the Glory.ppt
You Are Worthy.ppt
To know you more.ppt
You Are My King.ppt
Trust and Obey.ppt
You are holy.ppt
Trusting Jesus.ppt
Who is on the Lord's Side.ppt
Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus.ppt
You Have Been Good.ppt
Unto Thee O Lord.ppt
You Raise Me Up.ppt
Victory in Jesus.ppt
give us clean hands.ppt
Walk with me.PPT
Worship 2008-02-10 [English].ppt
We Are God's People.ppt
You are the Mighty King.ppt
Were you there.doc
Worthy is the Lamb (Zschech).ppt
Worthy is the lamb that was slain.ppt
You Are Worthy of My Praise.ppt